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Train Wild and Free

This training will make you the best version of yourself


200-Hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Course

“Double Certification” Internationally Recognized


Autumn 2024:

Break down of classes and Residential part


  • Zoom classes: given by Mani Raman from India every Friday for 9 sessions starting 6th of September  till 1st of November, at 3:30 pm till 5 or 5:30 pm depending on the material given.
  • Weekend Trainings: Every Sunday (8:00 am till 6:00 pm) for 9 weeks, starting 1st of September till 3rd of November at BYC Antelias Branch 
  • Residential part: 5th of November till 10th (6 Days), at AFDC Ramlieh, Aley.
  •  Classes given by a Medical Doctor  two lectures of 5 hours during the weekend trainings.  

Included in the cost:


All Material and print outs of Philosophy, Anatomy, Breathing techniques and Meditation.

All the yoga classes and lectures given throughout the entire training.

6 days full accommodation, two meals and snacks in between at the AFDC Hostel, a clean and neat set up in the middle of pristine nature.

Double certification by Beirut Yoga Academy and Yoga Vana Forest Academy

for more information call or whatsapp 03029734/5

email: [email protected]